
Amazing Spanish Dating Offer From Nova Networks With Over 70% ROI

Hello Vrume fam,

Oliver here, It’s been a while since our last case study, so we’re excited to kick things off again. Today, we’re shining the spotlight on a highly lucrative casual dating offer we’re currently running in Spain called Follarico from Nova.

This exclusive offer comes courtesy of our trusted partners at Nova, with whom we’ve had a longstanding collaboration. Nova boasts a plethora of top-notch dating offers across various global locations, many of which we actively test with our internal traffic.

The offer in focus, Follarico, offered by Nova, offers a generous payout of $5.88 for each approved conversion, applicable to both desktop and mobile traffic. Leveraging our premium email channel, we’re channeling traffic to this offer and witnessing an impressive conversion ratio of 13.93% alongside earnings per click of $0.88. While we’re targeting both desktop and mobile traffic, our analysis indicates that mobile traffic proves significantly more lucrative in terms of returns.

Are you interested in promoting this offer? You can easily sign up for an advertiser account with Nova by clicking here. They’re a fantastic team to work with and are more than willing to assist you in setting up this offer, along with other enticing offers available at Nova.

Would you like to try out this offer on our traffic? We can facilitate that process for you, allowing you to witness the impressive results firsthand. Moreover, if you’re considering targeting other EU countries, we have substantial volume available in those regions as well. These countries are known for their profitability and consistency in performance, albeit they’re highly competitive among our clients, contact us to set up a test today!

Stay updated with our latest traffic inventory, new case studies and updates by following us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Linked-in . We appreciate your time and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any inquiries

All the best,

Business Development Manager – Vrume.com
Skype: live:.cid.6e408c029990a2d4
Telegram: oliverseancallely

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